Author: Jackie

Traditional Diets

My 11th Weston Price Conference!

Weston Price Foundation Conferences never disappoint.  I attended my eleventh annual conference in late October in Knoxville Tennessee.  First, let me say that the countryside around Knoxville is beautiful!  There are rolling hills, trees, and farmland.  If I did not live in Texas I would live in Tennessee.  Apparently a lot of other people think […]


Keep your distance! 

Distance is your friend.  What do I mean by that?  Something that you can’t see may be harming you but because it is invisible you are not aware of it. Something is radiating out of your cell phone, out of your TV, your Smart Meter- your microwave. It is radio frequency (and other frequencies).  I […]


Could it be EMF? What Caused the Spanish Flu Pandemic?

Everyone has heard about the Spanish Flu epidemic during WW1, you probably thought it was the flu didn’t you?  But that might not have been the case.  I was surprised to learn that there are two other reasons for the suffering of millions during that time.  First of all, did you know that millions of […]

Covid19 & Vaccines

Oh no! Here We Go Again!

Monkey pox!  Have you heard of it yet?  I just saw a headline flash across the news channel- something like, “Monkey Pox is coming to the USA, should you worry?”.  I guess Covid-19 didn’t sufficiently scare enough people.  We need another scare.   There is a clear pattern developing.  Let’s take a look at it – […]

Covid19 & Vaccines

The Drug Cartels Wear Suits

Did you know that enough illegal fentanyl has come across our southern border to kill every American in the country?  It comes across in backpacks worn by drug runners (part of the cartels) who swim across the Rio Grande.  And yes, it is a huge problem.   But I think there is another problem that we […]