The 23rd annual Weston Price Foundation conference was held in October of 2023 in Kansas City Missouri. These wonderful meals were served during the conference. They illustrate the healthy diets that folks all around the world were eating before processed foods hit the market.
The photos of the meals I ate (above) included foods such as bone broth soup, slow roasted beef, vegetables, fish, fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) and ghee (butter).
Dr. Weston Price was a dentist in the 1920s to 1940s. He traveled around the world visiting locations where people ate “traditional” foods. He proved (through the use of thousands of photographs of facial structure and teeth), as well as lab tests for nutrients in food, that eating “traditionally prepared foods” provided the nutrients for tissue repair in adults as well as for growth of children.
Not only do I love traditional foods and all the healthy cooking, I also have the hobby of capturing my family history by delving into genealogy studies. I have created several family history booklets that I send to family and friends. I do all my printing at PrintingCenterUSA. They are fabulous! Go here for info- https://www.printingcenterusa.com/printing/book-printing