Traditional Diets

Traditional Diets

The Oiling of America

This blog was inspired by a talk given by Sally Fallon Morell at the Wise Traditions conference in 2024. Let’s talk about vegetable oils.  Vegetable oils are everywhere in our food supply. We are told that they are healthy– heck, they’re made from vegetables, right? Corn oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil and […]

Recipes, Traditional Diets

Late Summer Harvest

It’s August, and too hot in central Texas to grow much of anything in the vegetable garden. Most vegetables have burned up, dried up or given up. Except black-eyed peas! I planted black-eyed peas after the tomatoes and zucchinis were done for the season. Actually, my peas are called Mississippi Pink Eye Peas. And they […]

Traditional Diets

Growing My Own Food

I believe we could all be a little more self-sufficient. My grandparents had many skills when they lived in their rural community years ago. My Great-Grandfather plowed the field behind his house and planted potatoes. My brother still has a scythe that he used to mow hay! For me, it is too easy to go […]