Everyone has heard about the Spanish Flu epidemic during WW1, you probably thought it was the flu didn’t you? But that might not have been the case. I was surprised to learn that there are two other reasons for the suffering of millions during that time. First of all, did you know that millions of sick soldiers during the Spanish Flu did not have flu at all but had a bacterial lung infection? According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the Number 1 killer in a minimum of 92% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919 (more here)”. So how did the World War 1 soldiers in 1918 get bacterial pneumonia?

It turns out that an experimental anti meningococcus serum was injected into soldiers who would be “Entering the Cramped and Unsanitary Living Conditions of War”. The Bacterial Serum was distributed to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other Countries during WWI by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Ultimately, these Rockefeller Institute doctors were linked to the deaths of 50 to 100 million men via bacterial lung infections from 1918 to 1919 traced back to the experimental inoculations.

Are you surprised by this? Is it possible that there really was no “Spanish Flu” but instead a very bad and widespread side effect of this bacterial serum? But this is not the only surprise. While bacterial pneumonia might account for much of the illness experienced during WW1 there is another, potentially more hideous cause of much suffering – the simple radio. When the new technology of radio frequency was rolled out in the early 1900’s in the form of radios in the trenches of WW1, millions of otherwise healthy men had to be removed from the battle fields due to extreme heart trouble and generalized illness. The illnesses were not initially traced back to the roll out of electromagnetic radiation but since then the cause and effect has been established. (Info here and here). I would not have believed it myself but for the information in the book THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW– A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg LINK.

Radio frequency was developed by the Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi in the early 1890’s. During World War I, Italy joined the Allied side of the conflict, and Marconi was placed in charge of the Italian military’s radio service. While helping to develop this technology, the nobleman Marconi suffered nine heart attacks in the span of three years preceding his death in 1937. Marconi died in Rome on 20 July 1937 at age 63, following the ninth, fatal, heart attack. This in itself should raise the question- can radio frequency harm humans? It appeared to take out Mr. Marconi himself. It may have even harmed his first infant child which died of “unknown causes” after his pregnant wife lived “directly underneath 28 huge radio towers” for most of her pregnancy.

When radio frequency was first rolled out in the early 1900’s on the Isle of Wight (England), the intensity was made strong enough to broadcast the signal out to sea so it could be picked up by ships. It worked perfectly but it also killed all the bees on the island! Their deaths were attributed to a parasite as no other cause could be found. Ninety percent of the bees were affected in a very short time period. They could not fly and seemed to be disoriented. Today, people are concerned about “colony collapse disorder” for honey bees, but it is not hard to image that electromagnetic radiation (radio & cell phone towers) may be a contributing cause. Radio frequency is also known to impact birds as well. Bees and birds use certain neurons in their brains as well as sensors to find magnetic fields. Since high voltage electricity creates its own magnetic field, it can be destructive to animal homing devices.

Interestingly, “Isle of Wight Disease” as it came to be called, affected many humans in the vicinity. Many people complained to Marconi of ear ringing, feet tingling, generalized anxiety, and heart conditions. Even Queen Victoria of England died of a brain hemorrhage in her estate (on the island) 12 miles from where Marconi fired up a more powerful transmitter. Coincidence? Maybe, but maybe not.

This was also a time in history when electrical lines were first being installed in large areas of Britain and the USA -the photo above is an example of the many lines strung across streets. `Around half of the telegraphists who were employed to manipulate the electrical current sent through the lines, and were thus exposed to very strong electromagnetic fields, were afflicted by “telegraphic sickness” headaches, dizziness, nausea, mental confusion, fatigue, depression, and insomnia’. Later on, around 1915, it was the telephone operators who were experiencing the same symptoms – for they were exposed to electromagnetic fields from the communications for hours on end at their desks.
Over time, the bees on the Isle of Wight seemed to adjust and started to come back. But when radio intensity increased at the start of WWI the bees suffered again. It seemed as though humans and animals were impacted by radio frequency but “adjusted” to it over time, at least until the next big change in intensity.

Your cell phone is a radiation device. It emits and responds to radio waves. If you have a Smart Meter on your house, it is using RF radiation (radio waves) to transmit a signal to the utility company that collects the data. Cell phone towers (especially the new 5G cell phone towers) emit a huge amount of radiation. The picture above shows you where radio waves fall on the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) spectrum of some common household items. It is unclear to what extent these household items are a health hazard, but what is clear is that humans are bathed in an ever-increasing environment of electromagnetic radiation, as is the entire planet.
5G towers emit a modulated (pulsed) radio frequency. Pulsing is the problem. A steady signal is less damaging. Per Dr Jack Kruse “It seems humans are very sensitive to a pulsed EMF over steady state EMF. Today most of the man-made EMF’s we face are pulsed in our world (link). If you change the electromagnetic field, you change the coherence of the system of life. If you are constantly losing electrons to the environment because your electromagnetic field has changed you are speeding to death. These are Einstein’s laws.”
I decided to check out this radiation thing for myself. I purchased an EMF meter (above) so I could “see” the radiation. I turned it on and pointed it at my phone, my microwave, my wi-fi and then drove around town with it. It was a sobering experience! As I was driving toward a huge cell phone tower plastered with 5G panels, my meter went screaming off scale in pulsating movements. The intensity of the meter reading was well above what is generally considered safe for humans. Interestingly, the radiation came down quickly when a large building come between me and the tower. Certain frequencies do not go through buildings. (Link ). To get around this problem the industry uses a range of frequencies and intensities to get the signal where they want it.
Is this the sort of environment you want? One where an industry floods your home with unseen powers that may cause you and your loved one’s harm? More on this electrifying topic in my next blog post!
Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new. I welcome your comments.
A special thank you goes to Cromwell Leonard Editing services for assistance with this article.
“If you are constantly losing electrons to the environment because your electromagnetic field has changed you are speeding to death. These are Einstein’s laws.” This is a fascinating article, thank you too for the link to Invisible Rainbow. I’ve been meaning to read it.
Wonderful article!
Wow! Well written and thought-provoking. Makes you think about what is “in the air” around you. We all like instant, wireless communication – but everything comes at a cost. At some point that cost may be too high.