This blog post is about how to minimize your risk of being a victim of premature death via conventional hospital care. Sounds terrible, right? Why would conventional hospital care be hazardous to your health? Currently, medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US. During 2020, the year of Covid-19 illnesses, many hospitals adopted protocols that often ignored patient rights. Patients were not told what kind of medicine they were given and what their treatment was going to be. Many patients were put on ventilators and many died.
Believe it or not, the ventilators themselves caused deaths. It was discovered that the ventilators damaged the lungs due to too much pressure. 76% of all patients in New York City that were put on a ventilator died. Even young people with little risk of dying from Covid, died on the ventilators. The World Health Organization admitted that the reason the ventilators were used was not to help the patient but to isolate the virus inside the vent machine to protect the hospital staff (reference).
Hospitals were also paid a large sum of money when they used a ventilator (and are still paid today to use a ventilator). Many patients passed away unnecessarily as hospitals assumed that everyone that came in the door had an infectious disease and needed to be ventilated. If you own a hammer everything looks like a nail.

Greta Crawford (reference) experienced bullying from doctors and received treatments that she did not want or need when she went into the hospital with a Covid-19 infection. She just needed oxygen, and expected to go home quickly, but left weeks later with kidney damage due to a medication she did not know was given to her. Laura Bartlett, another woman (not personally involved in a hospital incident) but who witnessed her physician brother’s attempt to use a certain steroid to treat his patients, saw similar issues in the hospitals. Bartlett’s brother was able to save patients who had been on ventilators for 30 days by using his treatment. When people found out about Doctor Bartlett’s success, they started asking their own doctors for similar treatment, but they could not get their doctor to respect their right to informed consent.
These two ladies, Greta Crawford and Laura Bartlett, came together in 2020-2021 in order to assist other people to navigate the hospital system. They witnessed a lack of “informed consent” which doctors should give to patients when they are about to start a treatment. They discovered that some hospitals even told their patients “You cannot leave the hospital until you go on this treatment”. But a hospital cannot force a treatment on a patient, and certainly cannot hold them hostage if they do not comply. But many patients were too afraid to push back or were unaware of their options.

Laura Bartlett explains that patients can, at any time, leave “Against Medical Advice” (or AMA). If you do not like the treatment you are getting or disagree with the physician, you have the option to say “no”. In Laura’s words-
“They needed to know they could, that they always had the right to leave AMA — Against Medical Advice — if that’s what they choose. They also have the right to either consent or not consent to things and it should be respected.”
Bartlett also says that one drawback of signing an AMA is that insurance won’t pay for your treatment. That will often keep patients in the hospital because they don’t want to pay out of pocket. So, it can be used against a patient.
Bartlett also explains that she was approached by a “hospital insider” who was concerned about what he was seeing in his hospital and helped her put together a legal document that patients can fill out and bring to a hospital to help them maintain their rights and medical sovereignty. If you enter a hospital (for any reason, including elective surgery) with your wishes written down, then the hospital cannot overstep its boundaries.

In Bartlett’s words-
“I actually had a hospital insider reach out … somebody who had been in the system and knew how to navigate the system at a high level in administration, give me some tips and tools on how to navigate the hospital system to make sure that informed consent was not only documented and delivered effectively to get into the electronic medical record, but also, what their basic patient rights were and how to advocate for them.”
Bartlett and Crawford are sharing these documents. Click here for the legal documents. Fill out the last 3 pages and the cover Letter (page 2) and have them notarized. Then you should make about 10 copies and have them ready for the next time you must go to a hospital. Bartlett and Crawford give detailed instructions as to who you give them to when you arrive at the hospital (intake desk, all doctors treating you, all nurses, and one goes to the hospital director).
You will notice that the documents center on the refusal of certain vaccines and treatments for Covid-19 such as remdesivir. These are the hospital protocols that harmed many patients over the past 2 years even if they didn’t enter the hospital specifically for a Covid-19 infection. There is also a section where you can Request and Consent to alternative treatments (such as Ivermectin) and you can list anything else you want the hospital to know.
Crawford notes:
“What we’ve experienced using these documents is a complete change in the attending physician, from being aggressive and maybe trying to push you, to being very helpful and efficient. Once they receive these documents, they just do a 180. As a matter of fact, one patient’s brother told me he’s getting treated better than he’s ever been treated at a hospital before.”
Because hospitals are still being financially incentivized to push certain protocols, patients are still being pushed into certain treatments. Don’t be a victim. I hope everyone reading this blog post downloads the documents, fills them out (it only takes a few minutes) and gets them notarized. Do this before you must enter a hospital. Keep a copy in your glove compartment in case you are in a car accident. Give a copy to a family member so they can bring them to the hospital if you are incapacitated.
This blog was inspired by (this article).
Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition and is intended only for entertainment. I welcome your comments
Hi Jackie. Great article. I have always been afraid of doctors generally. Like any other profession
whether being a mechanic or a lawyer you can get a real winner they just don’t care it’s about the money.. Quackery is the MD,s way of expressing lack of concern. To be really good at anything you must keep up after all that you can learn. It is the same for all professions. And because they’re just people they make lots of mistakes.. we all do. Some are just plain murderers. Like the thing in New York that brought in infected people to stay with the oldsters, in nursing homes,who were unaffected and could not even see their loved ones ,they should be brought to trial.
Everywhere I look, I see standards eroding, yet until there is accountability, nothing will change. Thanks for shedding light on the state of our hospitals, and on what people can do to protect themselves.
Wow, Jackie!
Thanks for an interesting, well written article; it really opened my eyes! It actually coincided with a segment I saw on the news last night about a for-profit hospital using tactics to help to decrease their mortality rates. We all have to be on the ball and pay attention to everything that affects us!