Do you have a cellphone tower in your house?

Do you have a cellphone tower in your house? I do. It’s in the front study, on the lower shelf, just to the right of the photo albums. What am I talking about? My internet modem of course- which acts like a cellphone tower.

It is a pretty innocent looking box. The flashing lights on the side tell me that it is working. It provides internet connection for our house. I can sit at my computer (in the same room) and connect to Google, read my Hotmail and buy stuff on Amazon.

But, while I am doing that, I am exposed to large amounts of radio wave frequency (which is Wi-Fi or EMF). My modem blasts out huge doses of Wi-Fi about every 30 seconds. I might as well have an entire cellphone tower in my house.

So, what’s so bad about radio wave frequency or Wi-Fi? (I will use both terms interchangeably in this blog.)  Radio waves can be natural or man-made. The natural ones are often generated by lightning and the earth’s atmosphere. The man-made ones were created in 1886 by some smart researchers (Heinrich Hertz and later Giovanni Marconi). Mr. Marconi figured out how to use radio waves to transmit information. He developed the first wireless telegraph (radio) used in World War 1. Those first radios, by the way, caused much illness among the troops sending many men to sick-bay with heart trouble. Marconi himself had nine heart attacks in his short life. The last one took him out. (See my blog post on EMF radiation and the Spanish Flu here).

Then, in the 1960s (if you are from my generation), you probably tuned your innocuous car radio to your favorite channel or took a portable radio to the beach. But today we are bathed in man-made radio waves from all the wireless devices in our houses and at work and in public. You may even have Wi-Fi in your car. This is much more exposure than what we get from Mother Nature. And it is causing unforeseen health issues.

What is Wi-Fi doing to your body?

Wi-Fi is actually affecting you on a biochemical level. A radio wave is defined as a “stream of uncharged elementary particles called photons.” We get photons from the sun, but a man-made stream of them coming from all parts of our environment is damaging to our cells. Not only that, the stream of photons in Wi-Fi is polarized which causes even more damage. (Polarized means directional).

Researcher Dr Martin Pall has studied radio frequency and its impact on health for years. He says “It is true that artificial EMFs are polarized and this makes artificial EMFs particularly dangerous (ref, ref, ref)”. An EMF is an electromagnetic field. He continues “As living organisms, EMFs (radio frequency energy) attack each of the most important functions that go to the heart of our human complexities.”

Here Are The Details-

Have you heard of medicines called “calcium channel blockers”? Well, radio waves mess with calcium channels at the cellular level. Researchers used the action of calcium channel blockers to elucidate the action of radio waves. Radio waves OPEN UP the calcium channels in your cells and allow unhealthy amounts of calcium into the cell. This is not good, as your body carefully controls the amount of calcium in your cells. Too much calcium inside cells causes a biochemical cascade of events that leads to an increase in free radicals in the body. This is associated with more than 60 chronic diseases (link). That said, there are some researchers that maintain that this is only a theory and there are many unanswered questions about it (Henry Lai). This may be the case, but it warrants caution.

People are being harmed-

Theory or not, people who live directly under cellphone transmitters are reporting illnesses that go away when they move away from the towers. These 3 offices on the top floor of an office building in Sweden are a good example.

The occupants experienced headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, skin burning and joint pain within one month of the installation of the towers. These symptoms went away when they left the building. Researchers measured extremely high levels of radio waves in these offices (note the transmitters on the roof).

There are other examples such as the experience of physician Robert Berry. He measured the RF levels in his house and found high levels of radio frequency. His wife had been getting headaches and poor sleep for the previous year. That night they shut off all devices, Wi-Fi, and phones and their sleep improved, waking up without a headache. Poor sleep would return if they forgot to shut off the devices at night.

Plants And Animals

Humans aren’t the only ones that suffer from radio frequency damage. Plants and animals are also impacted (Link to Martin Palls work on damage to plants and animals). This is because all life on the planet has similar cell structures with similar calcium channels.

For example, at the time when Marconi cranked up his huge radio towers on the Isle of Wight in 1898, all the bees disappeared from the island. Similarly, there are stories of birds disappearing from a large park in London, when cellphone towers were cranked up on all 4 sides of the park. (The birds were later found to have sequestered themselves behind a hill which had the effect of blocking some of the signal.) For more information on how wildlife is affected, go here.

Below is a picture of a small tree apparently “burned” by an EMF field coming from a tower on a nearby building. Electromagnetic (EMF) frequencies have been found to alter the growth and development of plants. 

Below is an article documenting injury to trees near mobile phone base stations in Germany.

As humans, we think nothing of it since Wi-Fi and radio waves are invisible and silent. As I sit here in my study, I can’t see, feel or hear the radio frequency. Actually, some people can feel Wi-Fi. These unfortunate folks feel a buzzing, tingling or ear ringing sensation when they get too close to a Wi-Fi source. They are the canaries in the coal mine. Since the roll out of 5G in the beginning of 2020, these people have been speaking up about their health issues. But for the rest of us, we are clueless about our exposure. Sitting ducks I would say.

Isn’t the Government Protecting Us?

The short answer is “no.” The Federal Trade Commission (FCC) only has guidelines related to heat produced by a device like a cellphone. The FCC only reports how much your head might heat up when the phone is nearby. They ignore what the invisible radio waves are doing inside your body. This issue has been studied by many scientists all over the world, for many years, but is largely unknown to the public in the United States. The safest place to live right now might be Europe and even Russia as they have very strict guidelines on exposure to electromagnetic frequencies.

What Can You Do About it?

There is a group that is taking action against harm from EMF’s. It is the Physicians for Safe Technology (link). There is a lot of good information on their website.

Dr Joseph Mercola’s book EMF*d is also a great resource to help you mitigate your home and office. The book covers ways to mitigate Wi-Fi and wireless technology in your house, and even covers “dirty electricity.” The idea is to reduce your exposure to wireless where you live, work and sleep as much as possible.

One easy thing you can do is plug your modem into a simple timer, and set it to go off at night when you go to sleep and come back on in the morning. That in itself might help you sleep better. (Don’t forget to put your phone in “airplane” mode as you go to sleep. You don’t need it “talking” to the nearest cellphone tower while it sits on your nightstand).

Another thing you can do is turn off the Wi-Fi at your modem (if possible) and then, hard-wire all computers in your house. This may involve running ethernet cables from the modem to your computers and to your TV. I did this in my house. Unfortunately, my family members squawked about having “no Wi-Fi.” So, I did the next best thing- I moved the modem out of my study and put it in a little used room. I then covered it with a shielding pouch or Signal Tamer (a Faraday bag) to reduce the signal. Family members still get some signal and we all get less Wi-Fi exposure.

Another suggestion is to use wired electronics in your house. Use a wired keyboard and wired mouse for your computer. Also, don’t use baby monitors or cordless phones. These all emit very high levels of radio waves. Even your microwave emits high levels of radio frequency.

Speaking of cellphone towers, do you know where the cellphone towers are in your neighborhood? You can go to this link and enter your address and it will show you where the towers are. The further you are from them, the better.

The Convincer

I have a hand-held meter that measures radio frequency. I call it “the convincer” because it gives me an audible sound that ramps up in intensity as I hold it near my cellphone or my modem. It will tell you in no uncertain terms “you are getting too much radiation.”

I held the meter next to my cellphone and got this video. The number on the top where it says Peak, should not go above “1” for safe range. It goes to “24” at the very start of the video!

I held the meter and walked up to my modem and got this. It jumps up above 10 in crazy erratic movements as it sends packets of data to my house. Scary. (You can see the faraday bag over my modem).

It has convinced me that I need to move away from things that create radio frequency and Wi-Fi. In summary, I hope I have given you a few things to think about and a few ideas to try in your home.

Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new. I welcome your comments.


  1. I too use an ethernet cord and turn off Wi-fi at the modem. But it would be wonderful to live just one day in a pristine world…a world with no need for “The Convincer”. Thanks for another great article!

  2. Wow, Jackie- another interesting post! This is something that never would have crossed my mind. Great research and presentation – thank you!

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