Just as I said…” Artificial Intelligence Parrots Public Health Narratives”

In my previous blog post, Why I Won’t Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Write My Blog, I mentioned that a large part of alternative health knowledge may not be a part of AI’s knowledge. This is because alternative health knowledge was often (and still is) censored and removed from the internet. So, if you query AI with an alternative health question and expect an answer that contains non-pharmaceutical information, you may be disappointed.

Recently, Children’s Health Defense” (the Defender) published an article saying just that- “ChatGPT Can ‘Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy’ — by Parroting Public Health Narratives”. The article states that “People who mistrust public health institutions may turn to ChatGPT for answers, as the popularity of the AI tool grows. And if they do, the research shows they will get the (same) responses that the public health agencies (CDC, FDA) would provide anyway!” This seems to prove that a large part of the internet is controlled by “big” industry whether it be “big pharma” or “big tech”.

However, there is good news. A wellness group has created an AI application that consolidates a large amount of alternative health knowledge and makes it available for free. (It’s “AI” for the rest of us!) Read on.

But first, what is “alternative health” knowledge? It is simply health protocols that are natural, and may comprise supplementation, homeopathy, acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, eating right, and other therapies that allow the body to heal naturally. Many naturopaths and integrative physicians use these therapies. Yoga, breathing techniques, and massage are also alternative health activities.

Why would alternative health information be censored from the internet, especially if it helps people? Unfortunately, if something directly threatens the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industrial complex, then, yes, it is suppressed. Suppression starts with censorship.

For example, many people on Facebook and other media outlets are routinely censored if they post certain health information. Entire Facebook support groups that formed after the Covid-19 pandemic, were taken down during this censorship. Even yours-truly was censored when I tried to upload a presentation that I gave to my Gluten Intolerance Group back in early 2021 (it had the word “vaccine” in it so YouTube blocked it). It turns out that I was one of 5.6 million videos deleted due to “videos with false information in their metadata”.

Even though this is America and we have free speech in this country, it is becoming more and more difficult to practice it. (I posted my presentation on Rumble instead!)

Also, many physicians were blocked from speaking out on social media about alternative healing protocols that they used to treat Covid-19. Some had their websites taken down. One such example is Dr Joseph Mercola’s website that was targeted so many times that he had to take it down and move his material to SubStack (which is a little more forgiving of writer’s content) . Another victim of censoring was Dr Vladimir Zelenko, a New York physician who treated several thousand patients with not a single one going to the hospital during Covid-19. The media called his treatments “unfounded”. (He used vitamin D and quercetin).

So, using artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT) to answer health questions is not going to give you all possible sides of the story. You may get answers that come right out of the mouths of Big Pharma where there is a dollar sign agenda.

So where do you turn for alternative health information?

It turns out that Mike Adams, executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center, “health ranger” and consumer advocate, has used his years of gathering alternative health information to create a large data pipeline that can be accessed for free by downloading the application. It is a stand-alone application called “NEO” and it runs from your computer without needing access to the internet. (I had trouble loading it on an older Windows 7 laptop, but it loaded fine on my Win 10 PC). Adams is working on a Mac version now.

In his own words, Mike Adams explains his application- “Through our extensive connections and decades of experience in the alternative content ecosystem, we have collected the world’s largest data set on nutrition, phytochemistry, foods, superfoods, permaculture, medicinal herbs, indigenous medicine and similar topics.”

“We have built an impressive data pipeline that formats our data sets for influencing existing “base model” LLMs (language learning models), generating new LLMs through a process called “fine tuning.” The end result is that we can take any base model LLM and turn it into a knowledgeable fine-tuned LLM with special knowledge in the areas where we focus.”

The application, called “NEO”, as mentioned above, looks something like this-

It’s not fancy and it doesn’t look like much but it is functional (albeit a bit slow). If you would like to download this application, go to Adam’s website at Brighteon.AI and check it out. It will be my go-to site for alternative health information from this point forward.

Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new.  This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition and is intended only for entertainment. I welcome your comments.


  1. Indeed, AI is yet another way for “the powers that be” to consolidate control. Funny, l’ve have been meaning to check out Mike Adam’s new platform NEO. Sounds cool!

  2. Wow, Jackie- I was so taken aback to find out that alternative health information would actually be censored on the internet. Now. I’m wondering what other information the big pharmaceutical companies holding back from us?1

    • Pfizer worked hard to cover up the very poor performance of their mRNA vaccine a couple years ago. Due to court ordered release of their clinical trial data, thousands of documents now in the hands of researchers and physicians show that their clinical trials were deeply flawed. The vaccines are neither safe nor effective. This data is coming out in Naomi Wolf’s new book (The Pfizer Papers) due to be released in June.

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