I have been consuming raw milk for years now. I learned about the goodness of unpasteurized milk from the Weston A Price Foundation. This foundation promotes traditional diets (the way our ancestors used to eat).
I searched out a dairy near my home and discovered several in the Houston Texas area that sold Grade A certified cow milk. The Grade A certification shows that the farm follows strict guidelines for animal care and cleanliness during milking. They also undergo regular testing of the milk for pathogens. A Grade A certified farm follows more stringent guidelines than conventional milking operations (where the milk will be pasteurized and sent to the supermarket). AND, the cows (or goats if you are looking for goat milk) are very healthy as they spend their days on a green pasture or eating high quality hay.

I started giving raw milk to my kids when they were about 5 to 8 years old. I wish I had discovered it sooner! It is so healthy! My kids were rarely sick during childhood.
I started getting milk for neighbors and friends and at one point was hauling 35 gallons of milk every 2 weeks from a nearby dairy! (By law in Texas, you can only buy raw milk at the farm, and the farm may be far away from your house as Texas is a BIG state. I made the trip to the farm so that others with young kids or with elderly family members would not have to go themselves.) The best part of raw milk is that it has all the wonderful probiotic nutrients and elements plus the whole cream is delicious! See the Top 10 Reasons to drink raw milk here:

You can go to Realmilk.com (a campaign of the Weston Price Foundation) and find raw milk near you. You can find cow or goat milk.