Now that the Covid-19 vaccines have been out for about 2 months, let’s look closely at what is happening. See my previous article called “Should you take the Corona Virus Vaccine?” for more information. As you may be aware, Pfizer claims its vaccine is 90% effective. But that is a relative effectiveness (people who got the vaccine and then got Covid-19 had fewer symptoms than those who got the placebo and then got Covid-19.) Its absolute risk reduction is only1%. In other words, prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. If you get the vaccine and then you get Covid-19, you will likely have less symptoms than if you were not vaccinated.
However I am not sure that is happening. There are reports of more outbreaks of Covid-19 and deaths after the vaccine than before the vaccine. For example, in one Auburn, New York nursing home, there were no deaths for the 9-10 months that the pandemic spread across the country for that period of time. The facility had 200 residents and 100 staff and all managed to stay healthy for that time period. Amazing! Then on December 22 the residents and staff were vaccinated. Seven days after the vaccination, 137 residents were infected and the first death was reported. Within the next 18 days 24 residents had died and one staff person was so sick they were put on life-support (see news report here and here ).

This is extremely troublesome. When patients die after the vaccine they call it “natural causes”. When they die before the vaccine it’s called “Covid-19”. How could 24 residents all die of “natural causes” within 18 days of each other? Ironically, the news report said “…hope arrived on Tuesday in the form of a vaccination that could prevent more people, especially vulnerable residents, from contracting the virus.” To me, that is a lot of false hope. And none of this was reported in the national media.
This vaccine may trigger more serious illness – as noted in my previous article these kinds of vaccines trigger two kinds of immune responses – one is bad and the other is good. The fine print on the vaccine informed consent paperwork used during the trials says this-
“The COVID‐19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated.”

Does anyone read this? Buyer beware- if you don’t already have an auto-immune disease before this vaccine, you might have one after the vaccine. Case in point-An obstetrician in Miami, Dr. Gregory Michael, aged 56 received the vaccine on December 18th. He developed a severe autoimmune bleeding disorder within 3 days. He died of a brain hemorrhage 16 days later. Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, said it was a “medical certainty” the Pfizer vaccine led to Dr. Michael’s death. His grieving wife wrote:
“I believe that people should be aware that side effects can happen, that it is not good for everyone and, in this case, destroyed a beautiful life…”.
Another example of a person with an inflammatory response is a 19 year old in Israel that was hospitalized with an inflamed heart muscle 5 days after his second dose of vaccine. More info here. Teenagers are usually very healthy and generally do not get inflamed heart muscles. The clinic did not confirm that it was a side effect of the vaccine. I would be very suspicious. National public health authorities and media are not reporting on these observations.

Anaphylactic shock is happening as well. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines use polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a preservative. This is a known allergen that is used in vaccines. The PEG is used to complex (join with) the messenger-RNA in the vaccine. Normally m-RNA is fleeting as your body only uses it in certain situations. Free m-RNA is a danger signal to the body, and is normally only seen in high viral loads. Now that these vaccines inject synthetic mRNA in the body, along with PEG, this could start chronic long term inflammation. Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a hematology oncology fellow at Boston Medical Center, was given the vaccine on Christmas Eve. Within minutes he had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock). The physician said he now recommends that people with allergies receive the vaccine in a hospital setting, instead of getting it from a clinic or local provider.
“I feel that if I did not have my EpiPen with me, I would be intubated right now, because it was that severe,” he said, adding that it was the worst allergic reaction he had experienced since he was 11 years old…I really don’t want anybody to go and experience this and go through this event that I had,”
The other thing to know is that none of these vaccines were tested on 70-, 80-, or 90-year old people. The trials purposely removed the elderly (anyone over age 55) and anyone that was ill. The vaccine manufacturers do this in order to improve the outcomes and make the vaccine appear to have fewer side-effects. I would not feel comfortable allowing my 90 year old grandparent to take an experimental vaccine that was never tested on their age group. Professor William Hazeltine (an infectious disease expert and former Harvard medical professor), says -“The timeline of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine is unprecedented as, on average, it can take 10 to 12 years for a vaccine to be developed and go through the normal licensing process” which includes animal testing. NO animal testing was done on these vaccines. How can we expect to know all of the problems of this vaccine after just 6 months of testing?
So, what are the less deadly side effects of the vaccine? According to the CDC, of the 112,807 Americans that received their first dose as of December 18, about 3100 suffered a “health impact event” severe enough to stop them from performing normal daily activities and required a doctor’s care. That is 2.79%. Here are some of the events-

A lady named Shawn Skelton (chronic seizures category above) had a particularly bad response. Link here. Other links are at the bottom of this post.
It should be pointed out that this vaccine is not a true vaccine – it is gene therapy, and experimental at that. It may be helping some folks, but we won’t know until more people are vaccinated and more time goes by. Can we wait that long? There are too many unknowns about the long-term effects of this vaccine. Since the death rate for those under 60 years old who get the Covid-19 virus is lower than the flu, why risk the vaccine at this point? There are now many therapeutics and treatments for the virus. However, there is no way to stop a bad reaction once that needle enters your arm.
Doctor Joseph Mercola recently said this: “I would urge you to take the time to CAREFULLY review the science and weigh the potential risks and benefits based on your individual situation before you make a decision that you may regret for the rest of your life, which can actually be shortened with this vaccine”.
I look forward to your comments. Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new.
1 Facebook Haley Nelson December 30, 2020
2 Facebook Tara Sekikawa December 27, 2020
3 Facebook Karl Dunkin case January 5, 2021
5 The Defender December 21, 2020
6, 16 Anaphylaxis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine receipt (PDF)
7 The Defender January 12, 2021
8 Facebook, Shawn Skelton January 7, 2021
11 Facebook, Alanna Tonge-Jelley January 9, 2021
People need to know the truth about the dangers of these rushed vaccines. In this well researched article you have done a fine job of giving them the facts! Thank you!
This is awful !!! Not very encouraging.