Monkey pox! Have you heard of it yet? I just saw a headline flash across the news channel- something like, “Monkey Pox is coming to the USA, should you worry?”. I guess Covid-19 didn’t sufficiently scare enough people. We need another scare. There is a clear pattern developing. Let’s take a look at it – for a hundred years we did not have huge global pandemics but now they are coming fast and furious. Yes, we had infectious diseases such as the measles mumps and chicken pox and we had the diseases of poor-quality water and sanitation such as typhoid but those got markedly better as living conditions in the USA improved from the 1920’s to the 1950’s. (See my post on this).
But the last 100 years or so have seen a series of highly overblown “pandemics”. Let’s take a look-
1914-1918 – Spanish Flu– Millions of people died from 1914-1918 and this may have been the last true pandemic. However, there are a lot questions as to how many of these deaths occurred. According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the number 1 killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919.

How did the World War 1 soldiers in 1918 get bacterial pneumonia? An Experimental Anti Meningoccic Serum that was derived from horses was injected into soldiers who would be “Entering the Cramped and Unsanitary Living Conditions of War”. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research said it distributed the bacterial serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries during WWI. Ultimately, these Rockefeller Institute doctors were linked to the deaths of 50 to 100 million men via Bacterial Lung Infections from 1918 to 1919 traced back to the experimental vaccines. This is certainly not what we have been told about the “Spanish Flu”.
1976 Swine Flu (H1N1) – ONE person died (a soldier at Fort Dix). But the NIH (Nat’l Institute of Health) and NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) spread fear and panic and told the world it was the same virus as the Spanish Flu (it was not). The agencies vaccinated 49 million Americans with a vaccine that was fraught with problems– those who were jabbed had degenerative nerve diseases and were paralyzed, and folks were 7 times more likely to have the flu than the un-vaxxed. Thirty-nine people died of the vaccine and the campaign was stopped. As a result of all the vaccine problems, the Federal government agreed to serve as pharma’s insurer (paying those paralyzed by the shots).
2002-2004- SARS Cov-1 The patent for a “replication-defective coronavirus” that attacks human lung cells was filed April 19, 2002 (Patent No. 7279327) by the University of North Caroline Chapel Hill. In other words, SARS-1 was man-made as reported by Dr David Martin. Several months after that patent filing, the SARS outbreak in Asia (China) occurred. The World Health Organization (WHO) was notified of the outbreak in February 2003, and issued a global alert in March 2003. Initially, the cause of the outbreak was unknown, and some media outlets reported that an influenza virus was a potential culprit. About 700 people died globally. No vaccine was prepared for this virus.
2005 Bird Flu – (H5N1) The NIAID agency predicted unprecedented carnage from this flu. The British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson predicted that 150 million people would be killed. In the end the WHO estimated that only 100 people died worldwide. There were tests and a vaccine available, though not widely used. After this non-event, the government agreed to shield vaccine manufactures from liability.
2007 Dengue – Dengue is a mosquito-borne virus second to malaria in occurrence. In 2007 NIAID produced a vaccine prototype for dengue fever. That same year, Anthony Fauci issued a dire warning saying “a disease most Americans have never heard of could become more prevalent” …. (yet no one had heard of it!) A full five years later in 2012 Dr Fauci was announcing that dengue virus was the most important mosquito borne viral disease with a potential to be epidemic in the world. However, a vaccine that was developed that same year (by NIAID) was showing problems. Pathogenic priming was occurring- this is where animals and people given the vaccine have a robust antibody response but get very ill when approached by the wild virus (more here). Ignoring the warning signs, NIAID went ahead to a phase 3 trail in 2016. Unfortunately, the Philippines went ahead and vaccinated 800,000 children. 600 children died. Autopsies proved the cause of death to be the vaccine. Law suits against Philippine government officials for criminal homicide are still going on today.
2009 Hong Kong Swine flu (also H1N1)– In this case there were no signs of a pandemic but there were excess deaths from the seasonal flu. Fewer than 145 people worldwide had died and the WHO declared a pandemic. (The WHO had also changed the definition of a “pandemic” eliminating the need for deaths. It was now possible to have a “pandemic” without deaths). A Glaxo vaccine for H1N1 was rolled out and a wave of illnesses from the shots started to occur. Pregnant women experienced 2 times more miscarriage. There were 980 cases of severe neurological injuries, paralysis and narcolepsy. There was so much damage from the Glaxo vaccine to health care workers that the shot was withdrawn. The epidemiologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodard, of Europe declared the 2009 Swine flu “pandemic” “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century”.
Is there a pattern here? This is what I see – Agencies predict millions will die, but very few actually die of the hyped disease. A vaccine is rolled out that causes more death and illness than the original disease.
2012 MERS – Middle East respiratory syndrome outbreak. 2,500 cases of the virus and over 900 deaths globally, as of 2021. No vaccine for this disease.
2016 Zika Virus– The Zika virus was common in Central America and south Asia for generations. It was never associated with any other syndrome and certainly not microcephaly (which correlated more closely with DPT vaccines given to pregnant Brazilian women). People generally do not die of Zika infections. But the NIAID raised the fear level by tying Zika to microcephaly (babies born with small heads). Even I fell for the fear mongering on this one. Zika cases peaked at 5200 in the USA in 2016 with NO cases of microcephaly. NIAID spent $2 billion on a vaccine but it was never used “because Zika disappeared”. Imagine that.
2020 SARS Cov-2 This virus was initially said to be “novel” however it has been found to be genetically the same as SARS Cov-1 (see above) per the patent history of the US patent office. In other words, there is a patent on it. It was a man-made virus coming out of the University of North Caroline Chapel Hill and then transferred to the Wuhan lab after the USA banned gain of function viral research. British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson predicted that millions of people would be killed in the USA. Even though 1 million deaths have been attributed to covid-19 by the CDC, the CDC estimates that only 6% of 1 million have actually died of the infection, or about 60,000. The remaining 940,000 deaths were due to other causes on the death certificate such as pneumonia, heart issues, or accidents. Sixty thousand is the same number that die of influenza and pneumonia yearly. Many of you may be asking, what happened to the flu in 2020? The CDC re-categorized all respiratory illnesses (including pneumonia) as “Covid-19” in 2020, essentially inflating the occurrence of “Covid-19” (more HERE). And finally, a Covid-19 vaccine was rolled out in January 2021. Deaths from the vaccine are now upwards of 28,000 per the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system (VAERS) yet the vaccine has not been pulled off the market.
The pattern continues. In all of these outbreaks, the death and destruction from the original disease was not nearly as bad as the therapeutic inoculation that followed. They pulled the Swine Flu vaccine after only 39 people died from the vaccine. They pulled the Dengue vaccine after 600 children died. All I ask is – why haven’t they pulled the covid-19 vaccine after 28,000 deaths have occurred?
I ask you – do you know anyone who got extremely ill or died within a few weeks of the covid-19 shot? I do. I know two people who died within 2 weeks of the shot, getting progressively sicker each day after the shot. I know one other who was hospitalized but pulled through. I don’t know anyone who got ill after “the flu shot” or any other vaccine, do you?

I started this blog with a comment about “monkey pox”. When I heard the media announce the arrival of “monkey pox” I started to laugh. Really? Do you think we are all going to fall for this? Some of us will, but I implore you to stand back and see the larger picture. Most of us that are reasonably healthy do not need to be afraid of the next pandemic coming down the “pandemic pipeline”. That is all it is – a pipeline of fear-mongering by the media that would go away if all of us would just ignore it. If you want to learn more about “monkey pox” you can go HERE. (The National Vaccine Information Center website, an excellent website that has been in existence for years).
Just for fun, I will add a paragraph below for the planned “monkey pox pandemic”…here goes…
2022 Monkey Pox – This pandemic started in May of 2022 (that’s right now folks!). 271 million deaths are predicted according to a table-top exercise in November 2021 of the NTI (Nuclear Threat Initiative meeting in Munich). This exercise actually exists, check out the link! The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on May 21, 2022 that more than 100 confirmed or suspected cases of monkey pox had been identified in 12 countries. Amazingly CNN’s/Jake Tapper already did a report (fear tactic) on this. And what is even stranger is that the US department of Health and Human Services (through BARDA) supposedly placed a $119 million order for 13 million freeze-dried doses of Bavarian Nordic’s smallpox and monkey pox vaccine known as JYNNEOS®. The contract states that the U.S. has an option to purchase additional vaccines worth $180 million if needed. Really?
All I have to say is, there are no monkeys in my area of the United States other than zoos and research labs so I doubt I will be infected. I doubt that any of you will be infected. They say that if you are old enough to have received a small pox vaccine before 1975 you are protected against any “pox”. So please, my friends and neighbors, do not be frightened by this fear mongering. Keep this in perspective.
Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new. I welcome your comments. (Scroll down to “Reply”).
They have gotten so blatant with the BS that it’s virtually impossible not to see it. I am baffled by the people who are still buying the putrid propaganda!