Did you know that enough illegal fentanyl has come across our southern border to kill every American in the country? It comes across in backpacks worn by drug runners (part of the cartels) who swim across the Rio Grande. And yes, it is a huge problem. But I think there is another problem that we are just now starting to discover.
The Covid-19 pandemic has uncovered a far more evil enterprise. We are being persuaded that to be healthy we have to consume the latest medication, drug or pharmaceutical. Those of us who watch TV see it every hour on our favorite shows- if you have XYZ symptoms, you have ABC disease and you need to “talk to your doctor” and get CDE prescription. Did you know that most countries do not allow Big-Pharma to advertise on TV? Only in the USA and New Zealand is this allowed. We are told that we are “diseased” because we lack a certain drug or treatment.
But the problem is bigger than this. It goes back to the alphabet soup agencies that supposedly “keep us healthy”. FDA, CDC, WHO, NIAID, HHS NIH NCI. These agencies have become so corrupt it will shock you.
Back at the turn of the last century (early 1900’s to about 1940’s) infectious disease mortalities were the biggest health problem we faced – tuberculosis, scarlet fever, yellow fever, typhoid, meningitis, measles, smallpox, polio, cholera, mumps, diphtheria, rubella, measles, and pertussis to list a few. In the 1930’s the National Institute of Health (NIH laboratory) was created to investigate “infectious and contagious diseases and matters pertaining to the public health”. By 1955 the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was created. However as cities became cleaner and our water and sanitation improved, as well as improvement in nutrition, the incidence of infectious diseases went down. Most diseases were on the way out even before treatments (such as medicines and vaccines) came on the scene (a classic example is the polio plot below). Polio (and other diseases) were on the way out well before the polio vaccine was implemented.
An exhaustive study published in the journal Pediatrics states this: “Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive decline in infectious disease mortality seen in the first half of the 20th century…when few antibiotics or vaccines were available”. It was improvements in sanitation and nutrition that did the trick. At the NIAID and its sister agency, the CDC, the “bug hunters were sliding into irrelevancy” as described by Robert F Kennedy Jr in his book The Real Anthony Fauci. An excellent book by the way.

In 1977 the NIAID installed Dr Anthony Fauci as deputy clinical director. By 1984 NIAID raised Fauci to director. At this time infectious disease was no longer a significant cause of death in America. In the 1980’s very little government money was being funneled to these agencies. Numerous memos were going around the CDC saying things like “We need to find the new plague”… “Something to scare the American people so they will give us money”.
Enter the HIV-AIDS crisis. The reality is that HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) was never scientifically validated to be the cause of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). Some researchers considered HIV a “passenger virus” or innocent bystander. There were other causes of AIDS that were more scientifically proven (certain drugs such as “Poppers” being taken by the gay community that were proven to destroy the immune system). But “scientists” (bureaucrats) at the National Cancer Institute and Health and Human Services (HHS) were vying for prominence and stated unequivocally in a press release (without data) that AIDS was caused by this new HIV virus. So desperate was the USA for a solution to the AIDS problem that the media grabbed the information and it became scientific “truth”.

The government (and Big Pharma) started pouring money into the HHS and NIAID. The more Dr Anthony Fauci stoked American’s fear of the HIV epidemic the more government money flowed into his agency. Even if you were not gay, you likely had some fear in the 1980’s that this virus might reach you! I know I did.
To make a long story short, the National Institute for Allergy and Infection Disease (NIAID) ignored inexpensive repurposed older antiviral drugs that worked (as noted by Dr Frank Ruscetti top virologist at NCI, as noted in an interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr in 2020). Instead, the institute spent decades pushing Big-Pharma’s AZT which had previously been found to be deadly on its own (Peter Duesberg, Inventing The AIDS Virus, 1996, pg 309). AZT (azidothymidine) was a failed anti-viral drug that was salvaged from the laboratory waste heap. All sorts of ailments were scooped up and placed under the umbrella of “AIDS” and hundreds of thousands were treated with AZT. Believe it or not, the PCR test (remember that?) was used to artificially ramp up the HIV case count so that the HIV infection appeared to be more prominent than it really was (“The HIV test has never been validated”….”it doesn’t show infection…” as stated by Kary Mullis the scientist who invented the PCR test).
Is this starting to sound familiar??? (The same thing happened in 2020 with Covid-19)
And here is the part I want you to understand- in order for scientists to do research they depend on grants from the government. Science labs are not cheap! Fauci controlled the purse strings for all medical research in the 80’s, 90’s and to the present day. Fauci gave out $15 billion the course of years, none of which went to his dissenters or any researcher that went against the HIV/AIDS dogma. For several decades Fauci only funded research to his “principle investigators” that worked on projects he deemed worthy. These projects had to align with Big Pharma and result in a drug that could be marketed.
At the time, many scientists around the world (Kary Mullis, Peter Duesberg, Clause Kohnlein) tried to push back, to ask for scientific debate and alternative medications. They were silenced. They were not given grants, their papers were not printed in Journals, they were not allowed to do interviews, and they could not speak on campuses or at conventions. Numerous virologists saw their careers ended if they pushed back on the medical dogma of HIV/AIDS.
This, I believe summarily ended unbiased medical research. It does not exist any longer.
You may ask, why should I care?
You should care because the next drug that your doctor prescribes for you may not have been fully safety tested. The next drug he prescribes for you may not have had the required scientific examination before it was pushed through the FDA. The next drug your child takes may be the next cash-cow that Big Pharma is pushing on pediatricians. And this is because the “medical industrial complex” is so corrupt that the fox watches the hen house, an incestuous relationship. The FDA that is supposed to protect you from bad medications is staffed by people who previously worked in Big Pharma and vice-versa. This is now true of ALL federal agencies that are tasked to protect your health. Big Pharma essentially owns the medical system.
This got measurably worse during the Covid-19 pandemic. Imagine being a drug company for whom the government pays you to produce a product that is then forced on the population, for which you do not have to be liable if anything bad happens (think Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson). And imagine that you don’t even have to complete the Phase 3 Safety (Human) trials because the US population will do it for you! (If you took the shot you are participating in the Phase 3 Human trial, no matter what brand vaccine you took).
It is hard to believe that Moderna NEVER had a successful drug brought to market before it rolled out its mRNA vaccine. Pfizer is so corrupt that it has paid billions in law suits over the years. Did you read these things in the Product Disclosure that was given to you before you got the shot? Not likely because almost nothing was disclosed to you upon roll out of the vaccines.
To summarize, the drug cartels are much more than the illegal drugs coming across our border. They are Big Pharma, the CDC, FDA, NIAID etc. These medical agencies run an empire that cannot be easily taken down. They do not exist to make you healthy. They exist to make money and wield power.
I would love your comments! (See the Reply below to comment).
Disclosure: Some of the material in this post was taken from Robert F Kennedy Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci. This book is a massive indictment of Big Pharma and the medical agencies that have corrupted our once wonderful medical system. Robert F Kennedy Jr is my new hero.
this is a test.
this is a test and only a test!
The subconscious will naturally adapt, fortunately and unfortunately, the conscious brain adapts faster. For the many, not for profit. Thanks Jackie!
Eye-opening post Jackie, thanks! I’ve got to make time for Kennedy’s book!