Pandemics and plagues have been around for thousands of years. A plague in the Greek city of Athens occurred in 430 B.C. and killed 75,000-100,000 people. No one really knows what the disease was but it caused panic in the population. The historian Thucydides observed people’s behavior and noticed that people who survived the disease seemed to be protected and did not get sick a second time- He even noticed that these survivors were the ones with the most compassion for the sick:
“Yet it was with those who had recovered from the disease that the sick and the dying found most compassion. These knew what it was from experience and had no fear for themselves; for the same man was never attacked twice—never at least fatally.” Thucydides

Thucydides was correct! Today we call this natural immunity and it contributes to “herd immunity”- when enough people in the population come down with an illness and recover, it protects the remainder of the population. It is studied in medical text books and has been a part of medical knowledge for hundreds of years.
However, in a move never before seen, the World Health Organization in October 2020 changed the medical definition of herd immunity from “a population is immune through either previous infection or vaccination” to “people immune due to a vaccination” and “the vast majority of people are vaccinated…”. The new definition removes the “previous infection” part and does not mention natural immunity at all. Did they do this to prepare the world for acceptance of a vaccine?

As noted by the German microbiologist, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: “The very fact that the World Health Organization has changed the definition of herd immunity … is such a scandal. I’m at a loss of words to describe how ridiculous I find this all, that this is being accepted by our colleagues. How can the physicians and scientists of the world bear to listen to all this nonsense?”
Could it be that something nefarious is going on? In my mind this was never a large scale “pandemic”. The definition of pandemic is when many people get sick from a disease throughout a country that would normally not be sick. Many of you may be asking, what happened to the flu in 2020? The CDC re-categorized all respiratory illnesses (including pneumonia) as “Covid-19” in 2020, essentially inflating the occurrence of “Covid-19”. Why would they do that? Maybe to make the pandemic appear worse than it really is?
In this blog, I want to ask the question- is this a real pandemic? I believe that some sort of virus did escape from the Wuhan lab and has spread around the world but I also believe that opportunists used the lab accident to fabricate a “pandemic” by padding the statistics to make it appear worse than it really was.
At the start of 2020 there was one person that was in a unique position to watch the “pandemic” unfold. His name is Doctor David Martin (a professional physician) who is in the business of monitoring biological events. Martin runs a company called M-Cam that underwrites intangible assets (such as patents). His company monitors biological and chemical weapons treaty violations on behalf of the U.S. government.
Several years BEFORE the 2020 pandemic started, Doctor David Martin analyzed thousands of digitized patents and discovered some very strange things. Dr Martin discovered that at least 30% of all patents were fraudulent (they had minor word changes and were similar to other patents and therefore were not unique or even valid). He concluded that this was done by industry in an attempt to create value where there was none. David Martin also discovered that industry, big-pharma and large universities have been using the patent system to fund (and hide) some very nefarious work.

Dr Martin has followed the progress of patents on corona virus’s since the year 2000 (yes, 20 years ago). The first coronavirus vaccine to use the S-spike protein was patented by Pfizer in January 2000 (Patent No. 6372224). It was a spike protein virus vaccine for canine coronavirus (in dogs). In 2001 The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (Ralph Baric’s lab) held a patent on an infectious RNA corona virus that would infect HUMANS. This patent was later shifted to the NIH and other government agencies. The patents covered gain-of-function work that altered a corona virus spike protein allowing it to attack human lung tissue. The patents also covered compositions of viral particles, and methods of making and using such viral particles. My question is, why would the NIH need to make and use infectious viral particles? Much of this research was funded by none other than the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
By 2003 the CDC filed a patent on a SARS Cov (1) virus genome with gain of function capabilities. Martin indicates that it was illegal because you can’t create a biological weapon in the USA and patent it as this is against federal law. Three days later, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed a matching patent for a vaccine to combat the virus. Now, how did Sequoia Pharmaceutical know that the CDC was developing a virus when the CDC only entered their patent into the patent system 3 days earlier (unless the two were working together)? By 2008 there were at least 150 patents filed on corona virus vaccines alone and all funded by the NIH.
The study of corona virus’s continued up to about 2015. In 2015 all lab work on corona virus’s was deemed by the US government to be too dangerous to continue on US soil, and it was discontinued. Unfortunately it was shipped overseas (and picked up by the Wuhan lab). US dollars followed the work.
In November of 2019 (again, BEFORE the pandemic started) Moderna entered into a “material transfer agreement” with the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to access Ralph Baric’s data on the spike protein in order to commence vaccine development. How would Moderna know to do this if there was no need for a corona virus vaccine because there was no corona virus pandemic?
When the “novel virus” escaped from the Wuhan lab in China at the end of 2019, Doctor Martin knew where to look for evidence of what was happening. The patent trail tells the story. The current SARS-Cov-2 virus that is plaguing the world, was already well known, and looks very much like the virus patented decades ago in 2001.
David Martin: “We took the reported gene sequence, which was reportedly isolated as a novel virus, indicated as such by the ICTV, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses of the World Health Organization. We took the actual genetic sequences that were reportedly novel and reviewed those against the patent records that were available as of the spring of 2020.
And what we found, as you’ll see in this report, are over 120 patented pieces of evidence, to suggest that the declaration of a ‘novel coronavirus’ was actually entirely a fallacy.
There was no “novel” coronavirus. There are countless, very subtle modifications of coronavirus sequences that have been uploaded, but there was no single identified ‘novel coronavirus’ at all.
In other words, SARS-Cov2 that came out of Wuhan is essentially the same as the virus patented by Ralph Baric’s lab in 2001 (with “subtle modifications”). Martin is in a unique position to implicate a series of global people that he says are involved in what he calls a RICO scheme. He has said, in interviews, “I am not the Covid-19 expert but I do understand the patents” and federal law.

David Martin recently gave a talk at the RedPill Expo in Lousiana here. It is well worth the 50 minutes to understand the big picture. If you want to quickly glance through his slides, go HERE. Many companies such as Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and others stand to make huge amounts of money on this “pandemic” and the conflicts of interest between these companies and government agencies are ENORMOUS.
Back to the Greek city of Athens during the plague of 430 BC- The historian Thucydides noted the complete disappearance of social morals during the plague- “…the catastrophe was so overwhelming that men, not knowing what would happen next to them, became indifferent to every rule of religion or law.” It seems as though history is repeating itself.
Always talk to your health professional before starting anything new. I welcome your comments.
wow wonderful article, and research, you did. so complete.
This article fills in a lot of the missing pieces about Covid. Thank you!
Great article!
Follow the money (and the patents) and you will understand.
An interesting viewpoint