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Traditional Diets

Non-GMO verses Organic – a walk down the grocery aisle

If you are trying to “eat healthier” you are most likely reading package labels.  If you are reading package labels you are most likely getting confused.  The food industry wants you to be a little confused.  A lot of the information on a label is regulated so that consumers are protected from false claims but […]

Covid19 & Vaccines, Vitamins & Supplements

Vitamin D and the Covid-19 virus

There is a lot information out there on the risks of getting Covid-19 and lots of different research groups are writing papers and journal articles describing test results.  The research is global and much information comes from outside the United States.  Below, I have tried to connect the dots to make the point that the […]

Covid19 & Vaccines

Did I Have the China Virus??

Back in January of this year (January 11, 2020 to be exact) I came down with a bug that was worse than anything I had experienced in the past couple years.  First, I hardly ever get sick.  I almost never get a cold and if I feel something “coming on” I start sucking on the […]


Custard recipe

I love eating a lot of fat! That is how I stay slim. (A topic for another blog). High quality saturated animal fat is not dangerous but actually good for the human body. Fat from animals on pasture (grazing on the food mother-nature intended) provides the fat-soluble vitamins that we need.



Now that I am retired I have the time to perfect my skills at fermentation.  Here are my latest “ferments” (left to right) Kombucha, milk kefir, water kefir. I have to admit it takes some time and patience to keep these things going but after a while you get it down to a system.  In […]

Traditional Diets

What to do with raw milk!

Sometimes people ask “what do I do with my raw milk?” This surprises me! You do the same thing with raw milk that you do with supermarket milk- drink it, cook with it, and put it in coffee! But you can do so much more with raw milk! If there is a lot of cream […]