Back in January of this year (January 11, 2020 to be exact) I came down with a bug that was worse than anything I had experienced in the past couple years. First, I hardly ever get sick. I almost never get a cold and if I feel something “coming on” I start sucking on the zinc lozenges, ramp up the vitamin C and it goes away in 1 day or even several hours.
But not this bug. I had a dry hacking cough that was a 24/7 thing that would not go away. I had it for 10 days. It kept me up all night and forced me to sleep on the couch so as not to wake up my husband. I even went to the pharmacy and bought a cough suppressant which is something I almost never take. It was one of those coughs that you cannot “stop” or hold back. Your chest feels “tight” and it forces you to cough.
I don’t think I had a fever. But since my thyroid function is a bit low (and I am always cold) it can be hard for me to really “show” a fever. Then I went to Urgent Care to see if I had the flu. I did not have the flu. Nor did I have a strep infection. Hmm…. So what did I have? It gradually went away after about 2 weeks.

Now, there are many virus’s out there so it is possible it was not covid-19 but something else. Back in January there were no clinics testing for covid-19 so it was impossible to find out. Over the next couple months I talked to several neighbors who said that they had similar symptoms at about the same time (January to February). The neighborhood “bug” seemed to go from house to house down the street! At about the same time we heard medical professionals in Texas say things like – our hospital filled up in mid-February with many folks with a respiratory virus. Testing for the flu was mostly negative. Could the China virus have swept through our part of Texas in the early months of the year?
The only way to know if you had the virus is to get a blood test for antibodies. If you have antibodies, you can be sure you had the bug. But knowing how inaccurate all the covid-19 tests are, I was skeptical. A Life Extension magazine article (HERE) in July of this year says that Labcorp has a vastly improved IgG antibody test. I heard that you don’t want to go too soon after you have the virus as your body has not ramped up the antibodies. I went a couple months after I had the “virus”. I took the test and tested negative. Did I have the corona virus? Maybe not. But I don’t want to rule out the possibility that I might have had it.
I want to put a plug in here for high dose vitamin C. As soon as I got this bug I started to ramp up my vitamin C. If you read any books by Linus Pauling or Thomas Levy (such as Curing the Incurable in my Book List) you will know that Dr Frederick Klenner routinely cured infections by high doses of vitamin C in the 1950’s and 60’s.
I started out taking 5000 to 6000 mg of vitamin C per day and worked up to 18,000 mg per day by the end of the first week of this bug. It definitely made a difference. Stay tuned for another blog on this fascinating substance!